We know something about planning at TwelveDawn. Having decades worth of planning and executing operations across the world, from readying for quiet conversations negotiating M&A deals, to optimizing busy and loud industrial manufacturing environments, we’ve probably seen it. Like any other business activity, selling your business should be done deliberately, confidentially, and by experts. Allow us to be your partner in that journey.
While we plan, work on and provide for your organizations continued prosperity through finding new hands to guide it forward, you should focus on it’s continuing operations. Future-proofing your business against supply disruptions, making a plan for a rainy day, makes it’s more valuable to any buyer. (by A Binsley, How to Protect Your Supply Chain Against Resource Scarcity, Inc.)
Here are a few steps organizations can take to eliminate the vulnerabilities across their supply chain:
1. Adopt Multi-Sourcing Strategies:
Arguably the most important step is refraining from sourcing materials from just one supplier. This single-sourcing strategy is the epitome of putting all of your eggs in one basket…
2. Examine Inventory:
…explore building excess inventory and examine whether in-sourcing of materials is a possibility.
3. Standardize Parts:
…aim to use standardized, widely-available parts for the assembly of products.
4. Consider Moving Closer to the Consumer:
Manufacturers are increasingly shifting away from operating large factories in low-cost regions to utilizing smaller factories located closer to the end consumer. …[reduces] vulnerabl[ity] to disruptions like weather delays, and also brings the organization closer to the areas of highest demand.
5. Conduct a Full Assessment:
…execute a full assessment of their supply chain, including an audit of their various partners (such as suppliers and distributors), an evaluation of the processes… and a review of the technologies and systems…
6. Leverage Technology to Help:
…technologies exist today that help supply chain managers determine where they might have a resource vulnerability, and these technologies enable organizations to see issues before they occur…
Do you really need to have all this in place before you sell your business?
No, of course not, because if done properly it should be a never-ending process of continuous evaluation. Partner with us, let us represent you, and we’ll help you paint a picture of a successful future to a buyer, while we articulate both the existing value derived from the tremendous work you and your organization are currently doing (don’t stop!), and the value that’s to be gained from future opportunities based on the plan we’ll develop with you.
“One year after the Covid-19 pandemic left store shelves empty and toilet paper out of stock, here’s how to protect your business from experiencing something similar.”